
2020年9月1日 星期二

2020 09 02 左永安顧問 CÉ LA VI 是我們對廣為流傳的法國諺語「這就是人生」的新詮釋。CÉ LA VI 的源起,受到東南亞地區極具創意性的文化遺風所啟發;因此,CÉ LA VI 的基因深受這個地區的藝術、雕刻、繪畫與廟宇所影響。

CÉ LA VI 是我們對廣為流傳的法國諺語「這就是人生」的新詮釋。CÉ LA VI 的源起,受到東南亞地區極具創意性的文化遺風所啟發;因此,CÉ LA VI 的基因深受這個地區的藝術、雕刻、繪畫與廟宇所影響。 我們的使命非常單純:在一處啟發心靈與豪華宏偉的環境中,追求歡愉、熱情與享樂,因為「這就是人生」。卓越的禮賓服務,以及指標性的位置提供一覽無遺的全景空間,加上一場感官之旅的極致饗宴,讓我們成為提供奢華生活風格、餐飲與娛樂的品牌。 CÉ LA VI Taipei歡迎喜愛高質感生活人士,旅台觀光客及全球商務人士,提供貴賓們從微風南山48樓俯瞰並發掘台北之美的全新去處,並且是全台最高空中酒吧。此露天頂樓酒吧有著全方位360度景色,輕鬆享受這充滿活力又絢麗的城市,和台北觀光勝地陽明山國家公園於台北市景中各據一方,擁有絕佳景致。 At CÉ LA VI we believe in the pursuit of pleasure. The unforgettable multi-sensorial destination that unfolds through mixology, music and cuisine, will soon have a new coveted address in Taiwan, on the 48th floor of a 272-metre high skyscraper in Taipei’s fashionable Xinyi District. Nestled above the illuminating cityscape with magnificent views of Taipei 101 and Taipei World Trade Center, CÉ LA VI Taipei will encompass a Restaurant, Lounge and Club that will offer an immersive journey into Contemporary Asian cuisine, inventive cocktails and awe-inspiring entertainment. Scheduled to open Spring 2019 and destined to be the city’s first true rooftop bar with 360 degrees panoramic views of Taipei, we are seeking those with a true passion for the exciting task of creating a world-class restaurant, bar and club, and above all, hold a single-minded desire to fuel professional growth using strong work ethics and ambition. In return, we offer you a unique opportunity to work alongside LVMH’s multinational Private Equity company, L Catterton Asia and our joint venture partner theLOOP, that will not only catapult your career, but also be the most exciting time of your life. theLOOP is a globally-recognised lifestyle enterprise with two decades of experience of operating many of the world’s most high-profile entertainment brands. We have the highest commitment to training and development of our talent. Our goal is to provide an optimal work environment for sustained high productivity, continual improvement, exceptional service and fun. We believe that talent is our greatest asset, so come embark on the pursuit of pleasure with us here at CÉ LA VI!

