
2018年1月22日 星期一

2018 01 23 左永安顧問 EMBA 长相思(Sauvignon Blanc) 霞多丽(Chardonnay) 雷司令(Riesling) 麝香(Moscato) 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 梅洛(Merlot) 西拉(Shiraz) 黑皮诺(Pinot Noir) 灰皮诺(Pinot Grigio) 佳美(Gamay)【学酒方法论】如何读懂葡萄酒的品种 5釀酒 (師) 4侍酒 (師) 3調酒 (師) 2品酒 (師) 1酒類從業人員 銷售 行銷 品牌 管理 法規【葡萄酒法語教室5】卡本內.蘇維翁 Cabernet Sauvignon French pronunciation 2017台北葡萄酒展 Wine & Gourmet Taipei 酒友暱稱CS、被全球酒迷寵愛的卡本內.蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)是原生於法國的葡萄品種,之後才被推廣到世界各地爆紅!它貨真價實的法國人來著,所以你的CS一定要用法文唸!

长相思(Sauvignon Blanc) 霞多丽(Chardonnay) 雷司令(Riesling) 麝香(Moscato) 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 梅洛(Merlot) 西拉(Shiraz) 黑皮诺(Pinot Noir) 灰皮诺(Pinot Grigio) 佳美(Gamay)

酒友暱稱CS、被全球酒迷寵愛的卡本內.蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)是原生於法國的葡萄品種,之後才被推廣到世界各地爆紅!它貨真價實的法國人來著,所以你的CS一定要用法文唸!

●○●未成年請勿飲酒●○● ●○●未成年請勿飲酒●○● ●○●未成年請勿飲酒●○●

Wonderful Treat for Everyone
Held across three dynamic days of trade and commercial activities, the seventh edition of Wine and Gourmet Taipei (WGT), Taiwan’s most prominent professional exhibition, closed successfully with its largest exhibitor showing ever. Featuring 120 exhibitors that displayed wine, craft beer, spirits and gourmet selection 19 countries, WGT attracted a record-setting 13, 987 visits. Among the wines and spirits of new and old world exhibited included those from the Israel Pavilion, the Japan Pavilion and the Craft Beer Pavilion. All new addition of the show has received positive feedback.

