
2011年5月9日 星期一

2011 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 哈佛個案討論 Coca-Cola New Vending Machine GolfLogix Measuring the Game

2011 左永安顧問 個案討論 Coca-Cola New Vending Machine GolfLogix Measuring the Game

2011 左永安顧問 個案討論 Coca-Cola New Vending Machine GolfLogix Measuring the Game

Case : Coca-Cola New Vending Machine

Discussion Questions
1. Is selling Coke through interactive vending machines a good or a bad idea? Why?
2. Where, how, and for whom does this technology create/destroy value? For example, loyal Coke customers, switchers among cola products, loyal Pepsi customers, etc.?
3. Are there any pricing related issues that can adversely affect the firm?
4. What did Coca-Cola do right? What did it do wrong? How would you have done it?
5. How does the Internet affect the ability of firms to price-discriminate across consumers?

Case : GolfLogix Measuring the Game

Discussion Questions
1. How does the xCaddie create value? Is it compelling?
2. What is the market potential for the GolfLogix devices?
3. What are the advantages of going through the golf courses?
Through retail channels?
4. If you could only choose one of the two channels, which would
you choose—courses or retail?
5. Given the option of selling through both channels, what would you do?

