
2013年7月31日 星期三

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS •主辦單位:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局 ••執行單位:工業技術研究院 為提昇國內培訓產業專業能量,爰透過國際合作,引進澳洲「訓練規劃與評估四級證書」訓練套件,培育在台種子師資,以建構具系統性的高品質訓練架構,推動培訓產業朝向優質化與專業化發展,提昇整體研習效益。

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS •主辦單位:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局 ••執行單位:工業技術研究院 為提昇國內培訓產業專業能量,爰透過國際合作,引進澳洲「訓練規劃與評估四級證書」訓練套件,培育在台種子師資,以建構具系統性的高品質訓練架構,推動培訓產業朝向優質化與專業化發展,提昇整體研習效益。


2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS •主辦單位:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局 ••執行單位:工業技術研究院 為提昇國內培訓產業專業能量,爰透過國際合作,引進澳洲「訓練規劃與評估四級證書」訓練套件,培育在台種子師資,以建構具系統性的高品質訓練架構,推動培訓產業朝向優質化與專業化發展,提昇整體研習效益。



  • 為提昇國內培訓產業專業能量,爰透過國際合作,引進澳洲「訓練規劃與評估四級證書」訓練套件,培育在台種子師資,以建構具系統性的高品質訓練架構,推動培訓產業朝向優質化與專業化發展,提昇整體研習效益。
  • 主辦單位:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局
  • 執行單位:工業技術研究院
  • 自今年8月起預計舉辦4梯次「訓練規劃與評估職能之國際合作研習活動」(各梯次研習資訊請詳閱學員管理方案),目前先開放第1梯次報名,茲將第1梯次研習活動重要訊息揭露如下:
    • 研習地點:台北矽谷國際會議中心1樓會議室(新北市新店區北新路3段223號)
    • 研習時間:102年08月26日(一)至102年09月13日(五)
    • 參訓人數:25人
    • 註:以研習所在地就近報名為原則。
  • 實際在職業教育與訓練領域中從事訓練規劃、評估或教學,並至少具備五年以上相關之工作經驗者,所屬單位須為大專校院或TTQS銅牌以上之事業單位、訓練機構或設立宗旨含教育訓練之組織團體。
  • 採「推薦報名」或「自行報名」兩種方式,請將報名資料之文件紙本與電子檔光碟,於102年8月8日(四)前以限時掛號郵寄方式報名(以郵戳為憑,逾期不受理)。
  • 以「訓練規劃與評估四級證書」(Certificate IV in Training and Assessment)訓練套件為主要訓練內涵,研習師資由外籍講師擔任,全程英文授課,現場備有口譯。
  • 研習內容:前兩週(共計10天)為課堂學習,第三週為分組實務演練(每組1天)。研習課程結束後,外籍講師將透過e-mail或skype等通訊軟體與學員持續進行課後溝通與討論,以協助學員完成最終評估之總結性評量報告。
  • 以報名資料表所填寫內容作為書面審查之評分依據,進行學員篩選,預計錄取25名學員,備取5名。
  • 錄訓結果將於102年8月16日(五)以電子郵件通知報名者,錄訓正取學員將另以電話通知。錄訓正取學員請於102年8月19日(一)下午5點前以電子郵件或電話聯繫執行單位確認參訓,倘未回覆視同放棄,由備取者依序遞補至額滿為止。
  • 錄訓學員所享有之權利及應盡義務與未履約聲明事項,均詳細記載於學員管理方案。


2013年7月28日 星期日

2013 Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why In my dream children sing a song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world


2013 Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why In my dream children sing a song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world

2013 Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why In my dream children sing a song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world

一個英國童星Declan Galbraith所唱的反戰歌曲〝Tell  Me Why〞


《Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why 》

In my dream children sing a song of love for every boy and girl 

The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world 

Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need 

Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this ? 

Tell me why (why) is there something I have missed ? 

Tell me why (why) cos I don't understand. 

When so many need somebody we don't give a helping hand. 

Tell me why ? 

Everyday I ask myself what will I have to do to be a man ? 

Do I have to stand and fight to prove to everybody who I am ? 

Is that what my life is for to waste in a world full of war ? 

Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this ? 

Tell me why (why) is there something I have missed ? 

Tell me why (why) cos I don't understand

When so many need somebody we don't give a helping hand. 

Tell me why ?

(children) tell me why ? (declan) tell me why ? 

(children) tell me why ? (declan) tell me why ? 

(together) just tell me why, why, why ? 

Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this ?

Tell me why (why) is there something I have missed ? 

Tell me why (why) cos I don't understand. 

When so many need somebody we don't give a helping hand.

Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) 

Tell me why (why why do we shoot the gun) 

Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) 

Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn ? 

(why,why do we say we care) 

Tell me why (why,why do we stand and stare) 

Tell me why (why,why do the dolphins cry) 

Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die ? 

(why,why if we're all the same) 

tell me why (why,why do we pass the blame) 

tell me why (why,why does it never end) 

can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends ?

why why (do we close our eyes) 

why why (do we believe in life) 

why why (do we fight for love) 

can some one tell us why we still don't understand ? 


2013年7月27日 星期六

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 連鎖流通零售 全家(5903)大陸全家調整店質有成,預估上海全家有機會損益兩平、甚至獲利,全年營收上看550億元,EPS挑戰5元以上的新高點。旗下商場事業新布局 董事長潘進丁 全家總經理張仁敦說,國內便利商店市場飽和,開店難度愈來愈高 新營服務區由全家投資3,000萬元興建並規畫節能設備,是國內第一個以節能為概念的國道服務

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 連鎖流通零售 全家(5903)大陸全家調整店質有成,預估上海全家有機會損益兩平、甚至獲利,全年營收上看550億元,EPS挑戰5元以上的新高點。旗下商場事業新布局 董事長潘進丁 全家總經理張仁敦說,國內便利商店市場飽和,開店難度愈來愈高 新營服務區由全家投資3,000萬元興建並規畫節能設備,是國內第一個以節能為概念的國道服務

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 連鎖流通零售 全家(5903)旗下商場事業新布局 董事長潘進丁 全家總經理張仁敦說,國內便利商店市場飽和,開店難度愈來愈高 新營服務區由全家投資3,000萬元興建並規畫節能設備,是國內第一個以節能為概念的國道服務

全家 商場業績拚10億



【2013/07/27 經濟日報】

2013年7月24日 星期三

2013 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 台北市酒類商業同業公會 社團法人中華中小企業經營輔導專家協會(中華民國唯一C M C認證組織) 課程內容及師資: l 進口酒類查驗業務—財政部國庫署 l 酒品進出口貿易作業及如何選購酒品—本會理事陳志昇 l 國際與國內的酒品市場概況—酒訊雜誌社長 為充實酒類從業人員之專業能力,瞭解酒類進出口貿易作業之相關流程及酒品採購行銷等課程,掌握市場運作機制、贏得先機;本會將舉辦「酒類銷售從業人員訓練第四期課程」,敬請踴躍參加。時間:102年8月15日(星期四)上午9:30--下午17:30時 地點:財團法人中華民國職業訓練研究發展中心 (台北市復興南路1段390號11樓) 1108教室

2013 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 台北市酒類商業同業公會 社團法人中華中小企業經營輔導專家協會(中華民國唯一C M C認證組織) 課程內容及師資: l 進口酒類查驗業務—財政部國庫署 l 酒品進出口貿易作業及如何選購酒品—本會理事陳志昇 l 國際與國內的酒品市場概況—酒訊雜誌社長 為充實酒類從業人員之專業能力,瞭解酒類進出口貿易作業之相關流程及酒品採購行銷等課程,掌握市場運作機制、贏得先機;本會將舉辦「酒類銷售從業人員訓練第四期課程」,敬請踴躍參加。時間:102年8月15日(星期四)上午9:30--下午17:30時 地點:財團法人中華民國職業訓練研究發展中心 (台北市復興南路1段390號11樓) 1108教室

















匯款銀行:合作金庫銀行南三重分行5322717571563 台北市酒類商業同業公會  


                        (台北市復興南路139011) 1108教室

指導單位:       財政部國庫署  台北市政府財政局

主辦單位:          台北市酒類商業同業公會 

協辦認證單位:  社團法人中華中小企業經營輔導專家協會(中華民國唯一C M C認證組織)


2013年7月23日 星期二

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS BrandZ品牌價值排行榜已經有8年曆史榜單由WPP委託明略行(Millward Brown Optimor)調查和發佈 The Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands 2013 Apple Remains No.1 in the Brandz(TM) Top 100 Ranking of the Most Valuable Global Brands


2013 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS BrandZ品牌價值排行榜已經有8年曆史榜單由WPP委託明略行(Millward Brown Optimor)調查和發佈 The Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands 2013 Apple Remains No.1 in the Brandz(TM) Top 100 Ranking of the Most Valuable Global Brands

Apple Remains No.1 in the Brandz(TM) 

Top 100 Ranking of the Most Valuable Global Brands

排名第一的 Apple 公司品牌價值高達1851億美元
Google 以1137億美元位居第二
Apple 公司的老對手 Samsung 的品牌價值也增長51%,達到214億美元

PR Newswire
Samsung Gains On Apple with Surge Of 51% in Brand Value
BEIJING, May 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- 

Apple remains the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brand for 2013, worth $185 billion. 
Apple grew just +1% in the last year compared to a +51% growth from its closest competitor,
 Samsung, which is now no.30 in the global ranking with a brand value of $21 billion.
(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/05/20/20130520213351374263.html )
(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/05/20/20130520213500599805.html )
Google is also a serious challenger for the no.1 spot, reversing last year's decline to grow +5%

 in brand value this year.

The brand is no.2 in the ranking with a value of $114 billion.

 IBM is no.3 in the ranking with a brand value of $112 billion.
"Vying for leadership in the smartphone market,

Samsung fuelled its huge increase in brand value by balancing a remarkable period of innovation

with growing market share it spent $1.6 billion more on advertising in the last year,"

 said Nick Cooper, Managing Director of Millward Brown Optimor.

 "Despite a more competitive marketplace and other challengers nipping at its heels,

 Apple's ability to maintain its no.1 position demonstrates the value that having a strong brand

 brings to business. People still love the brand regardless of its stock price."
The BrandZ(TM)Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study, commissioned by WPP and

 conducted by Millward Brown Optimor, is now in its eighth year. It is the only ranking that uses

 the views of potential and current buyers of a brand, alongside financial data, to calculate its value.
The combined value of the Top100 has grown by 77% since 2006. They are now worth $2.6 trillion.
David Roth, CEO of The Store at WPP, said, "This year's ranking highlights the return on

 investment that brands give businesses. It shows that strong brands bring market share growth,

increased profits from being able to command a price premium and greater shareholder returns."
Eileen Campbell, Global CEO of brand research company Millward Brown added,

"Brand valuation and other measures that show return on marketing investment give marketers a

stronger voice in the boardroom by ensuring that marketing is better understood and accounted for

as a key driver of financial and business success."
The Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands 2013
Rank 2013 Category Brand Brand Value 2013 ($M) Brand Value Change Rank 2012
1 Technology Apple 185,071 +1% 1
2 Technology Google 113,669 +5% 3
3 Technology IBM 112,536 -3% 2
4 Fast Food McDonald's 90,256 -5% 4
5 Soft drinks Coca-Cola 78,415 +6% 6
6 Telecoms AT&T 75,507 +10% 8
7 Technology Microsoft 69,814 -9% 5
8 Tobacco Marlboro 69,383 -6% 7
9 Credit cards Visa 56,060 +46% 15
10 Telecoms China Mobile 55,368 +18% 10
Key findings highlighted in this year's research report include:
-- Top risers provide meaningful differentiation: The Top 10 brand value growth risers score significantly higher than average on the BrandZ(TM) equity measures of Meaningful, Different, and Salient. Prada grew the most in brand value, by +63%. Outstripping the performance of all other luxury brands, it is now no.4 in the luxury category (95 globally) and worth $9.5 billion.
-- Brewers experienced a rapid rise: The world's most widely consumed alcoholic beverage, beer, was the highest growth category in the rankings this year. The Top 10 beer brands grew by +36% and are now worth a combined $63 billion. The sector has benefited from growing sales in Latin America and China. Global brewer Heineken is the third largest beer brand worth $8 billion, and profited from publicity around the James Bond Skyfall movie. Brazil's Brahma beer grew by +61% in the last year and is worth $4 billion.
-- High value brands provide faster growth: An analysis of the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands as a stock portfolio' over the last eight years shows a highly favorable performance compared to a current stock market index, the S&P500. While the value of the companies in the S&P500 index grew by 23%, the BrandZ(TM) portfolio grew by 58%, proving that companies with strong brands are able to deliver better value to their shareholders. A graphic is available here.( http://www.millwardbrown.com/brandz/2013/Top100/Docs/2013_BrandZ_Top100_SP-Chart.pdf )
-- Technology brands continue to dominate the rankingTencent exceeds Facebook for the first time: Technology and telecom brands continue to dominate the ranking with 29 brands 

in the global BrandZ(TM) Top100, 

worth 43% of the total value of the Top 100, more than $1 trillion. Growth in this sector remains flat.

 In contrast to a decline in Facebook's brand value, its Chinese equivalent, 

Tencent, rose 52% to exceed Facebook, making it one of the Top 10 risers in the ranking with

 almost 800 million active users.

 Yahoo also joins the ranking after the appointment of a new CEO from Google lifted 

expectations and share price which drove the appreciation of brand value.

-- Chinese brands need more progress in innovation and internationalization: 

A total of 12 Chinese brands made into this year's Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands, 

with combined brand value reaching USD270 billion. 

Six of the top 10 Asian brands are Chinese brands, surpassing Japan and Korea,

 yet most of the Chinese brands in the list are state-owned enterprises.

 This year, there is a decrease in both the number and total brand value of Chinese brands,

 indicating a bottleneck for the growth of Chinese brands.

 Chinese brands not only need to be more technologically innovative but also more 

The list of 12 Chinese brands:
2013 Category Brand Brand value Brands Value %change 2012
Rank 2013 $M 2013 vs 2012 Rank
10 Technology China mobile 55,368 +18% 10
16 Regional banks ICBC 41,115 -1% 13
21 Technology Tencent 27,273 +52% 37
22 Regional banks China Construction
bank 26,859 +10% 24
33 Technology Baidu 20,443 -16% 25
37 Regional banks Agricultural
bank of China 19,975 +12% 38
57 Regional banks China life 15,279 +5% 53
58 Regional banks Bank of China 14,236 +10% 61
65 Oil and gas PetroChina 13,380 +11% 68
67 Oil and gas Sinopec 13,127 -6% 56
73 Alcohol Moutai 12,193 +3% 69
84 Regional banks Pingan 10,558 +4% 78
The BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study is available online.

It includes a ranking and analysis of the most valuable brands for key regions of the world and

 13 market sectors. Download the complete BrandZ(TM) ranking here(

including regional and category breakdowns, and in-depth insights from WPP companies.

 The rankings and a great deal more brand insight are also available

as a free interactive mobile app for Apple and Android and as an iPad magazine

( https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wpp-brandz/id571644755?ls=1&mt=8 ).
About the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands Ranking
Developed for WPP's operating companies by Millward Brown Optimor, the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking is now in its eighth year. It is the only study to combine measures of brand equity based on interviews with over two million consumers globally about thousands of global consumer facing' and business-to-business brands with a rigorous analysis of the financial and business performance of each company (using data from Bloomberg and Kantar Worldpanel) to separate the value that brand plays in driving business revenue and market capitalization. Consumer perception of a brand is a key input in determining brand value because brands are a combination of business performance, product delivery, clarity of positioning, and leadership. The ranking takes into account regional variations since, even for truly global brands, measures of brand contribution might differ substantially across countries. All materials, images, and tables relating to the ranking can be accessed here( http://thestorewpp.tv/brandz2013 ).
About Millward Brown
Millward Brown is a leading global research agency specializing in effective advertising, strategic communication, media and brand equity research. Millward Brown has helped its clients build strong brands and services through a set of comprehensive research-based qualitative and quantitative solutions. It has 86 offices in 56 countries. Additional specialist practices include Dynamic Logic (global leader in measuring digital marketing effectiveness), a network of media experts (measuring media effectiveness), Firefly Millward Brown (our global qualitative network), The Neuroscience Practice (using neuroscience to optimize the value of traditional research techniques), and Millward Brown Optimor (focused on supporting clients to maximize their return on brand and marketing investments). Millward Brown is part of Kantar, the insights, information and consultancy division of WPP.
About WPP
WPP is the world's largest communications services group with billings of $70.5 billion and revenues of $16.5 billion. Through its operating companies, the Group provides a comprehensive range of advertising and marketing services including advertising & media investment management; consumer insight; public relations and public affairs; branding and identity; healthcare communications; direct, digital, promotion and relationship marketing; and specialist communications. The company employs over 165,000 people (including associates) in over 3,000 offices across 110 countries. For more information, visit www.wpp.com.
WPP was named Holding Company of the Year at the 2012 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for the second year running, since the award was initiated.
BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking
Rank 2013 Brand Brand Value Brand Value Change
2013 ($M) % 2013 vs 2012
1 Apple 185,071 1%
2 Google 113,669 5%
3 IBM 112,536 -3%
4 McDonald's 90,256 -5%
5 Coca-Cola 78,415 6%
6 AT&T 75,507 10%
7 Microsoft 69,814 -9%
8 Marlboro 69,383 -6%
9 Visa 56,060 46%
10 China Mobile 55,368 18%
11 GE 55,357 21%
12 Verizon 53,004 8%
13 Wells Fargo 47,748 20%
14 Amazon 45,727 34%
15 UPS 42,747 15%
16 ICBC 41,115 -1%
17 Vodafone 39,712 -8%
18 Walmart 36,220 5%
19 SAP 34,365 34%
20 Mastercard 27,821 34%
21 Tencent 27,273 52%
22 China Construction Bank 26,859 10%
23 Toyota 24,497 12%
24 BMW 24,015 -2%
25 HSBC 23,970 24%
26 Disney 23,913 40%
27 Deutsche Telekom 23,893 -11%
28 American Express 23,514 16%
29 Louis Vuitton 22,719 -12%
30 Samsung 21,404 51%
31 Facebook 21,261 -36%
32 Pampers 20,594 13%
33 Baidu 20,443 -16%
34 Budweiser 20,297 28%
35 Zara 20,167 60%
36 Oracle 20,039 -11%
37 Agricultural Bank of China 19,975 12%
38 RBC 19,968 16%
39 ExxonMobil 19,229 5%
40 Hermes 19,129 0%
41 The Home Depot 18,488 43%
42 L'Oreal 17,971 30%
43 Mercedes-Benz 17,952 11%
44 Starbucks 17,892 5%
45 Gillette 17,823 -6%
46 TD 17,781 22%
47 Ebay 17,749 40%
48 Commonwealth Bank 17,745 36%
49 Shell 17,678 -1%
50 Colgate 17,250 15%
51 Subway 16,691 12%
52 ANZ 16,565 N/A
53 Accenture 16,503 2%
54 HP 16,362 -29%
55 Tesco 16,303 -9%
56 Nike 15,817 -3%
57 China Life 15,279 5%
58 Bank of China 14,236 10%
59 ICICI Bank 14,196 12%
60 Orange 13,829 -10%
61 Intel 13,757 -12%
62 FedEx 13,732 17%
63 US Bank 13,716 19%
64 Citi 13,386 37%
65 Petrochina 13,380 11%
66 Movistar 13,336 -22%
67 Sinopec 13,127 -6%
68 Gucci 12,735 48%
69 H&M 12,732 -6%
70 Sberbank 12,655 19%
71 Honda 12,401 -2%
72 Siemens 12,331 16%
73 Moutai 12,193 3%
74 IKEA 12,040 31%
75 Pepsi 12,029 -5%
76 Target 11,879 13%
77 Cisco 11,816 -11%
78 BP 11,520 11%
79 MTN 11,448 23%
80 Woolworths 11,039 N/A
81 Chase 10,836 25%
82 MTS 10,633 11%
83 Red Bull 10,558 6%
84 Ping An 10,558 4%
85 Scotiabank 10,396 8%
86 Nissan 10,186 3%
87 Standard Chartered 10,160 1%
88 Westpac 10,070 N/A
89 Airtel 10,054 -13%
90 NTT DoCoMo 10,028 -37%
91 KFC 9,953 12%
92 Yahoo! 9,826 N/A
93 J.P. Morgan 9,668 N/A
94 BT 9,531 N/A
95 Prada 9,454 63%
96 Santander 9,232 8%
97 Chevron 9,036 5%
98 DHL 8,940 18%
99 ALDI 8,885 -5%
100 Volkswagen 8,790 3%
Source Millward Brown

2013年7月19日 星期五

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 布局4K2K最為積極者 群創總經理王志超表示,群創在改變產品及技術策略的速度與彈性,已深具「靈猴」特性。根據工研院產經中心(IEK)的統計 資深產業分析師劉美君,群創目前是中國大陸50吋4K2K面板出貨冠軍,並與大陸品牌廠創惟、海信及康佳等合作關係密切。

2013 2014 左永安顧問 安永經營管理商學院 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS 布局4K2K最為積極者 群創總經理王志超表示,群創在改變產品及技術策略的速度與彈性,已深具「靈猴」特性。根據工研院產經中心(IEK)的統計 資深產業分析師劉美君,群創目前是中國大陸50吋4K2K面板出貨冠軍,並與大陸品牌廠創惟、海信及康佳等合作關係密切。

群創「靈猴」戰術 吃得開













【2013/06/21 經濟日報】